No More Speaking Spanish In America

Help keep the English language in America by putting a stop to the Spanish language being forced on us.  If Spanish speakers come to America, they need to learn the English language.  If you agree, read on....

By signing this petition, you are standing up for the right to speak English only in America.  If we don't do something now, Spanish will soon become the dominate language spoken in America.  We have to put a stop to being forced to speak and read the Spanish language.  You can guarentee, that if you go to any other country in the world, you will have to learn to speak their language.  Other countries surely won't start printing their lables and nutrition facts in English to make us happy, and they won't force their children to speak English just to graduate.  Why are we, as American's, letting this happen to us?

It's not so bad that Spanish come to America, but they need to learn the English language and speak it.

Thank you for taking the time to read this petition and sign it.  You will be awarded by not being forced to speak Spanish.

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