Stop journalsits speaking against animals rights

  • van: Bilyana Petrova
  • ontvanger:  Prof. Lozanov, chairman of Bulgarian E-media association

 Martin Karbovski is a popular journalist known for his bad language and provocative manner. In his last TV show on May 15th Karbovski attacked animal rights campaign going on in Bulgaria. " Love for animals is illegal, unacceptible and disgusting" he claims. " A stray bitch like Mima get more sympathy and public attention then people" he continues.
Mima is the dog found with all her four legs chopped off. Thousand of people from all over the world got involved in the case. Please show your support once again!
As media celebrity Karbovski is a role modl for many youngsters. We are afraid that if left unpunished  his poor attitude would  be a  bad example. As a result cruelty against street animals in Bulgaria will increase.
Help us stop verbal violence and law propaganda splitting nation in two when new law against animal abuse is expeted.

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