In the United States alone, roughly 10 billion farm animals are raised and slaughtered each year for food. At most conventional farms, these animals are not treated well. With their focus on productivity and efficiency, "factory farms" generally contain many thousands of farm animals under extremely crowded conditions, and they harvest food from them as cost-effectively as possible — usually without regard to humane treatment. Instead, factory farms animals are typically treated as units of production, sometimes subject to forced feeding of unnatural diets, extremely restrictive confinement, tail docking, "debeaking," artificial growth hormones, electric stunning, and inhumane slaughter techniques.
Farm animals are not protected by federal law from cruelty on the farm, and most states consider conventional agricultural practices exempt from the scope of their animal cruelty statutes.
PLEASE support better treatment of farm animals.
In the United States alone, roughly 10 billion farm animals are raised and slaughtered each year for food. At most conventional farms, these animals are not treated well. With their focus on productivity and efficiency, "factory farms" generally contain many thousands of farm animals under extremely crowded conditions, and they harvest food from them as cost-effectively as possible — usually without regard to humane treatment. Instead, factory farms animals are typically treated as units of production, sometimes subject to forced feeding of unnatural diets, extremely restrictive confinement, tail docking, "debeaking," artificial growth hormones, electric stunning, and inhumane slaughter techniques.
Farm animals are not protected by federal law from cruelty on the farm, and most states consider conventional agricultural practices exempt from the scope of their animal cruelty statutes.
PLEASE support better treatment of farm animals by passing new laws.
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