Do the Right Thing - Compensate Victims of the Recalled DePuy ASR Hip Replacement

This summer marks the 2 year anniversary of the hip recall, and still Johnson & Johnson denies that the ASR hip implant is defective and refuses to compensate patients who have undergone surgery to replace this recalled medical device. Victims with a recalled Johnson & Johnson DePuy ASR hip replacement are suffering from severe pain, toxic metal poisoning, loose hip joints, and many have already gone through a 2nd or 3rd major surgery to replace the recalled hip implant. About 40,000 Americans have the ASR hip in their bodies right now.

Back in the 1980's Johnson & Johnson did the right thing when they responded to the Tylenol poisoning tragedies. They immediately pulled the product off the shelves, stopped making Tylenol, stopped advertising it, and communicated to the public about the dangerous situation. The company also compensated the victims and their families. Johnson & Johnson did all of this even though they were NOT responsible for the product tampering. The company's honesty with the public helped make the name Johnson & Johnson one of the most trusted brands in corporate America. Unfortunately, their handling of the DePuy ASR hip is destroying that reputation.

We are asking Johnson & Johnson to do the right thing by immediately compensating the victims of the DePuy ASR hip recall! Please sign this petition now to show your support for those victims across the United States

We the undersigned call on Johnson & Johnson to immediately compensate victims of the recalled DePuy ASR Hip replacement. 

This summer marks the 2 year anniversary of the hip recall, and still Johnson & Johnson denies that the ASR hip implant is defective and refuses to compensate patients who have undergone surgery to replace this recalled medical device. Victims with a recalled Johnson & Johnson DePuy ASR hip replacement are suffering from severe pain, toxic metal poisoning, loose hip joints, and many have already gone through a 2nd or 3rd major surgery to replace the recalled hip implant. About 40,000 Americans have the ASR hip in their bodies right now.

Back in the 1980's Johnson & Johnson did the right thing when they responded to the Tylenol poisoning tragedies. They immediately pulled the product off the shelves, stopped making Tylenol, stopped advertising it, and communicated to the public about the dangerous situation. The company also compensated the victims and their families. Johnson & Johnson did all of this even though they were NOT responsible for the product tampering. The company's honesty with the public helped make the name Johnson & Johnson one of the most trusted brands in corporate America. Unfortunately, their handling of the DePuy ASR hip is destroying that reputation.

We are asking Johnson & Johnson to do the right thing by immediately compensating the victims of the DePuy ASR hip recall.

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