Help Amnesty Intnl. Free Amanda Knox

Help free Amanda Knox, wrongfully convicted University of Washington student, convicted by biased courts, and circumstantial evidence. There was no DNA evidence linking Knox to the crime at the case, and the media most likely influenced the jurors and the judge, not to mention the fact she was an American accused overseas. Knox was wrongfully convicted to 26 years in prison for this crime she did not commit. Lets send a petition to President Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Amnesty International in support of Amanda Knox and to request they get involved in this matter to try to get her back home to Seattle. At the very least she should be allowed to serve her sentence and/or time up to appeal in U.S.  jail closer to her home in Washington State. But ultimately, Ms. Knox should be freed from this crime she did not commit. Please share your comments and thoughts in support of Amanda Knox. I will hope we can deliver this petition of support to Amanda personally as well. This is a human rights issue that needs to be addressed. Help Free Amanda Knox today and get her back home to her family.
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