'Good Christian Bitches' on Channel 7 Network

  • van: Jennifer M C
  • ontvanger: 'Good Christian Bitches' Channel 7 Network

Sign this petition if you think the title "Good Christian Bitches" for a free to air television show is inappropriate.

You do not have to be Christian to find this offensive.
There are no other shows on Free To Air TV in Australia with swearing such as 'bitch' in the title. The fact that it's teamed with 'Christian' makes it worse. It's double standards. Would we ever see a TV show called 'Good Muslim Bitches', "Good Jewish Bitches"? Or how about "Good Black Bitches"? The show has been renamed to GBC and 'Good Christian Belles' in the USA due to complaints from the public.

You can make a complaint here: http://www.freetv.com.au/Content_Common/OnlineComplaintStep1.aspx

Update: (11 April 2012)

I received a letter from channel 7 regarding my complaint about the title of the show and it basically says that the title doesn't violate any of the rules for Free To Air TV. We need more signatures!

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