Get Horse-Drawn Carriages Out of NYC!

Earlier this week, we saw the detrimental effects the horse-drawn carriage is having on its horses as another horse collapsed near Central Park. This is the second major incident this month; the first was the death of a horse named "Charlie" after he collapsed on 54th St.

The carriage horse industry has been under fire for many years, and for good reason. The mean streets of NYC aren't exactly the ideal spot for these gentle giants to roam. Inching their way through traffic-congested streets of NYC day-in and day-out can take a harsh toll on these animals - and it clearly does.

In response, nearly two years ago, the city put regulations in place to help step-up their care. However, minimal requirements such as these are obviously not cutting it. We need to prevent more animals from being needlessly harmed by this archaic industry.

Tell the NY City Council to pass Intro, 86A which would essentially phase out the horse-drawn carriage industry in NYC. This is the only humane step forward for these animals that have been forced to put their lives on the line for far too long.
We the undersigned are writing to ask that you truly consider phasing out the horse-drawn carriage industry in New York City. After recent events, including the death of one carriage horse, after collapsing on 54th St, we see the urgency of the situation.

The biggest concern here is the well-being of the horses themselves. Inching their way through traffic-congested streets of NYC day-in and day-out can  take a toll on these animals - and it does. Yet another horse tripped and collapsed in traffic earlier this week. The regulations put in place nearly two years ago are clearly not cutting it.

Please see what is right in front of you. This industry is unsafe for the animals and in effect, the people on the streets of NYC.

Please urgently pass Intro, 86A which would essentially phase out the horse-drawn carriage industry in NYC. This is the only humane step forward for these animals that have been forced to put their lives on the line for far too long.
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