The British government understand that Fur Farming is an unneccessary and barbaric trade and this is why they have rightly made it illegal to murder animals for their fur in Britain.

However this does not prevent fur from being sold in the Uk and only increases the number of animals tortured and murdered for their fur in foreign countries, many of which have appalling or even NO animal welfare laws of their own!

I am calling on the British government to make it illegal to sell any type of real fur in the UK!

Please sign this petition to help put an end to the pain millions of animals are going through as we speak, and to help stop all decent humans from having to put up with the immoral minority that continue to wear fur! 

A new law is to be passed on December 2008 which will Ban the sale of Cat and Dog Fur from being sold within the EU, but this will not stretch to the other animals that suffer and die on Fur Farms around the world. 

It is VERY cruel and unfairly selective that Raccoon dogs, Coyotes, Foxes, Wolves and others from the Canidae (Dog) Family will not be spared from the HORRORS of the Fur industry whilst Dogs will be. And is equally as cruel and prejudiced for other members of the Felidae (Cat) family which have also not been spared.
Though it is a very positive move it is surely not justifiable to ONLY ban the use of Cats and Dogs Fur being sold inside the EU. ALL animals suffer the same and ALL animals must be saved from death in the Fur industry.

WHEN fur is to be made illegal, more money will be given to proper, legitimate companies that produce FAKE FUR rather then be given to the barbaric trade that is murdering this worlds most beautiful creatures!

Watch the truch - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6tA18bkmsg
We the undersigned wish to show our belief that the new law to come in to affect late December 2008 which will make it an illegal act to sell Cat or Dog fur should include the selling of fur from any animal.

Though it is a positive step in the right direction it is not enough to conclude that only Dogs and Cats suffer horrendously in the fur trade which brutally detroys the lives of around 50 million animals every year.

There is only a very small minority of people who consider fur to be a legitimate clothing option and by their wearing of fur we are placed in a very sad and frustrating position of having to be reminded of the cruel and unnecessary killings that take place, a reminder that has become a big burden to many members of the public.

This industry has no place in the 21st century and we believe the UK must have the composure and dignity as well as the respect for living beings and therefore ban the sale of any real fur within the united kingdom once and for all.

Thany you for taking the time to read this and address the matter.
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