Food Waste Recycling

WDCS applauds the city of San Francisco's new law mandating everyone recycle food waste. The city is even providing additional recycling bins in which food scraps are picked up by the city.

By providing additional recycling bins in which food scraps are picked up by the city helps trim city garbage costs while keeping the garbage room from reeking of wet garbage and the food waste.

Under 3 percent of US municipal food waste gets recycled. The rest goes into landfills where without exposure to Oxygen it turns into Methane, a potent green house gas!

Santa Fe let's follow in the footsteps of San Francisco.  If you love the "City Different" let's begin a food waste recycling program! Do your good deed for the day and sign the petition. Making a difference makes you feel good.
Attn: Ms. Katherine Mortimer - Sustainable Santa Fe Programs Manager

The citizens of Santa Fe respectfully request your help in implementing a Food Waste Recycling program.  This form of recycling has many benefits including reducing the release of Methane, a dangerous green-house gas, from our local landfill into our atmosphere. The Food Waste can them be recycled into compost to help fertilize our gardens, trees, and shrubs. It's a win-win for all.

As the nation's oldest capitol, the citizens of Santa Fe should take a stake in claiming ourselves as environmentally conscious by recycling everything we possibly can!

We appreciate your time and consideration in this matter!
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