Dear Honorable School Board

THE PHOTO ON YOUR RIGHT IS A SCHOOL TEACHER THAT GETS OFF TORTURING CATS. This is about a school teacher who let her two cats slowly starve to death; these cats never hurt anybody, and for over a month they were denied food and water, despite these cats pleading for food and water. They died with much suffering:  This teacher is a sadist and monster.  I feel she must be removed and her teaching license stripped. THIS CANNOT BE ACCEPTABLE AS A ROLE MODEL FOR CHILDREN. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS!!!

Please note FBI profiling has proven that animal abusers are the makings of serial killers and child abusers. If you wish me to hand you the information, I have plenty of it.  

These cats died slowly and in agony. FBI profiling also links animal cruelty to domestic violence.


By Brian Haas and Marc Freeman

South Florida Sun-Sentinel

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Two cats suffered so cruelly before dying, prosecutors say, that they decided to charge a Palm Beach County teacher with two felonies Monday.

Police initially accused Allison Dinsmore, 26, of misdemeanor animal cruelty this month when her two cats' wasted corpses were found in her Boca Raton apartment.

Investigators said the Congress Middle School teacher's cats clawed up the apartment in a frantic search for food as they starved for up to a month before they died. The corpses then rotted in the filthy apartment about a month before an apartment manager found them.

Prosecutors upped the charges to two counts of felony cruelty to animals, saying her actions caused "excessive or repeated infliction of unnecessary pain or suffering." The new charges each carry a maximum penalty of up to five years in prison."


Your Honor:

This is about a school teacher who let her two cats slowly starve to death; these cats never hurt anybody, and for over a month they were denied food and water, despite these cats pleading for food and water. They died with much suffering:  This teacher is a sadist and monster.  I feel she must be removed and her teaching license stripped. THIS CANNOT BE ACCEPTABLE AS A ROLE MODEL FOR CHILDREN. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS!!!

Please note FBI profiling has proven that animal abusers are the makings of serial killers and child abusers. If you wish me to hand you the information, I have plenty of it.  

These cats died slowly and in agony. FBI profiling also links animal cruelty to domestic violence.


By Brian Haas and Marc Freeman

South Florida Sun-Sentinel

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Two cats suffered so cruelly before dying, prosecutors say, that they decided to charge a Palm Beach County teacher with two felonies Monday.

Police initially accused Allison Dinsmore, 26, of misdemeanor animal cruelty this month when her two cats' wasted corpses were found in her Boca Raton apartment.

Investigators said the Congress Middle School teacher's cats clawed up the apartment in a frantic search for food as they starved for up to a month before they died. The corpses then rotted in the filthy apartment about a month before an apartment manager found them.

Prosecutors upped the charges to two counts of felony cruelty to animals, saying her actions caused "excessive or repeated infliction of unnecessary pain or suffering." The new charges each carry a maximum penalty of up to five years in prison."

Sincerely-the undersigned
petitie tekenen
petitie tekenen


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