Find the killers and bring them to justice

 Horrific random abuse of a young German Shepherd dog in the suburb of Ilidza in Bosnia. 2 young men put a rocket explosive ( high powered firework )in the dogs mouth then duct taped it shut. He suffered horrific injuries to his face ( see photo) The poor animal wondered the streets for up to 5 days before  Av Mau rescue group found it and took to the vet which determined it had to be put to sleep~They called him" VUCKO"

The people responsible MUST be found for this horrific act of abuse if it were a human would they do nothing?

Understand he is alive in this picture.. he would have been better off being killed instantly but he WANTED to live! he tried to stay alive and get help for himself for 5 days! I Now it's OUR turn to help him and make a change in the laws against Animal Abuse in Bosnia.WE have to make a stand against this crime and pressure the Mayor of Bosnia to take DRASTIC measure to find and punish these killers. No animals are safe until they are found and severely punished.

 Please write a short letter of Appeal to this email address (the Mayor of Sarajevo) the city where this travesty took place His city.and tell him how you feel.

Please visit the tribute page I have made for him~

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