End Calderon Dolphin Slaughter

Every year in Denmark (Faroe Islands), around 2,000 Calderon Dolphins are slaughtered for their flesh and as a "heroic" pratice to show manhood.
It is necessary to mention that the Calderon Dolphin, like All other world wide Dolphins, are in danger of extinction.
Entire pods of these intelligent sea mammals are herded into coves by boaters. They are driven onto shore to be killed. Terrified animals see and hear their family members being ripped apart. (The sea remains a bright bloody red for days after the hunt.) Fishermen slice the whales heads and other body parts with sharp knives, while they are still alive and thrashing to escape. If the whales do not go 'willingly' onto shore, a long, metal hook will be inserted into their blowholes and they will be literally dragged onto the rocky shore.
Undercover video has shown that some animals take up to an hour to finally die after being hauled onto the beach and cut into.
Young children are allowed to participate in these disturbing mass hunts. They may help kill the whales. Is this really something that should be shown and taught to the future generation? Should we preach violence to them?
Lets stop this massacre!
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