Deny Permit for Circus Animals

Feld Entertainment, the owner of Ringling Brothers and Barnem & Bailey Circus, recently paid over a quarter of million dollars, $270,000, for violating the Animal Welfare Act.

Now Ringling is currently requesting a permit that would allow the circus to continue harming endangered Asian elephants and leopards. With such a history of violations, it is clear that Ringling cannot meet the requirements of the Endangered Species Act, and should not be given a permit.


Urge U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to deny Feld Entertainment's application to renew its captive-bred wildlife registration (PRT-720230) for Asian elephants and leopards.

Brenda Tapia, Program Analyst/Data Administrator
Branch of Permits
Division of Management Authority
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
4401 N. Fairfax Dr., Rm. 212
Arlington, VA 22203
703-358-2280 (fax)

Feld Entertainment, the owner of Ringling Brothers and Barnem & Bailey Circus,

recently paid over a quarter of million dollars, $270,000, for violating the Animal Welfare Act.

Now Ringling is currently requesting a permit that would allow the circus to continue harming endangered Asian elephants and leopards. With such a history of violations, it is clear that Ringling cannot meet the requirements of the Endangered Species Act, and should not be given a permit

We urge U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to deny Feld Entertainment's application to renew its captive-bred wildlife registration (PRT-720230) for Asian elephants and leopards

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