Demand FEMA reconsider its denial for Individual Aid to North Dakota residents!

  • van: Anita Hanson
  • ontvanger: Federal Emergency Management Agency
FEMA has said it will help with flood costs related to public infrastructure under a presidential disaster declaration but will supply Individual Aid only if FEMA officials deem it is warranted because of severe damage. To date FEMA has denied Individual Assistance, deeming the damages not severe enough to warrant implementation of Individual Assistance. Though Ward and Burleigh counties were awarded Individual Assistance by FEMA, many more counties are still in need of assistance. Thousands of homes and hundreds of businesses have and will sustain severe damages, while tens of thousands of residents have been displaced. Please read the letter and sign the petition asking that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) please reconsider its denial of Individual Assistance to ALL North Dakota residents being affected by the unprecedented flooding occurring right now throughout the state.
We the undersigned ask that the Federal Emergency Management Agency please reconsider its denial of Individual Assistance to North Dakota residents being affected by flooding that is occurring right now throughout the state. This agency has said it will help with flood costs related to public infrastructure under a presidential disaster declaration but will supply individual aid only if FEMA officials deem it is warranted because of severe damage. Flooding has and will continue to cause severe damage to thousands of homes and hundreds of businesses throughout the state of North Dakota, displacing tens of thousands of individuals. We ask that once FEMA  has received the updated damage assessments from North Dakota Governor Jack Dalrymple, it will promptly approve the request for Individual Assistance to all residents affected by this unprecedented flood. Thank you for your time and consideration.
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