Condemn Pro-Genocide Speech at UCSD

On May 10th, 2010, Jumanah Albahri, an ex-officer of UCSD's Muslim Student Association, in response to a question of whether or not she supported the terrorist group Hezbollah's desire to murder the world's Jews, replied she was "For it."
Ms. Albahri's statement is outlandish and despicable in its flagrant ignorance and hatefulness. Such rhetoric has absolutely no place in our schools or anywhere else in the United States.
We the undersigned wholly condemn Ms. Albahri's statements made on May 10th, 2010 in support of a second genocide of the Jewish people. We are shocked and outraged at such blatant propagation of violence and murder, and are deeply saddened that such an incident has occurred at one of the state's top universities.

We implore you, a Chancellor of a prestigious college in the respected UC system, to specifically condemn Ms. Albahri's remarks for what they are; unadulterated support for the murder of an entire people. This dangerous pro-genocide statement has no place on the campus of a California university, or anywhere else in America.

One's stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, in this case, does not matter; propagation of genocide in any context is wrong and inhumane. We hope you will send the right message to the UC system and prospective college students by denouncing Ms. Albahri's hate speech.

We sincerely thank you for taking the time to address our grievances. We hope you will do the right thing in standing up against hate speech in our schools.
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