Close Entergy's Failing Indian Point Nuclear Reactors

Entergy's Indian Point Reactors are aging, decaying nuclear reactors that are contaminating the Hudson River with radioactive contaminants from leaking fuel rod storage facilities...our health is at risk, and we need you, Congressman Maurice Hinchey and others in Washington, DC to opposed the relicensing of these facilities, and to call for the full close and decommissioning of same.
Entergy's Indian Point 2 and 3 are aging reactors with several problems, including cracks in the reactor domes.  Further, at least one of the spent fuel rod storage facilities is leaking, a precusor to full wall failure and far, over 250,000 gallons of radioactive contaminants are on their way to, or have already contaminated the waters of the Hudson River.

The evacuation plan in case of a nuclear incident at the plant will not work, risking grave health consequences, including death for millions of New York State citizens.  Despite these risks to both human life and our environment, Entergy has callously decided to attempt relicensing these decaying, aged facilities for another 20 years.

We call on Congressman John Hall, and Congressman Maurice Hinchey to call for a full environmental, safety and security  accessment and investigation of the Indian Point facility, and to introduce legislation in Congress that would ELIMINATE ALL FUNDING TO THE NUCLEAR INDUSTRY.
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