Bring Harry Potter's Theme Park Back Home to Britain!

  • van: The British People
  • ontvanger: To back Boris' bid to bring "the fruits of J.K. Rowling's genius" back home :)
Want to stop America exploiting the world?
Want to keep our National Treasure alive in London?
Want to be able to go to a Harry Potter theme park without going to Florida?

We the undersigned believe that to have the Harry Potter Theme Park built in America is wholly unfair and unloyal to both the characters and their creator J.K. Rowling.

We do not claim to have the support of the afformentioned party, nor do we claim to be the speakers for Boris Johnson, however this petition is in response to his comments.

We would very much like to see a Theme Park to be built within Britain (preferably London, but we understand the difficulties in that) as we feel that Harry Potter; a known and understood National Treasure should not be exploited in America with no mention over here in Britain.

Thank You so very much for taking the time to acknowledge our views and we hope that you will see and adopt these views also. Again you have our respect, so thank you.
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