Ban the plastic bag in Santorini!

Sign and stop the use of the plastic bag in Santorini. The municipality of Skiathos has already done the same. Countries all over the world have already banned the plastic ban or moving towards this direction. Rwanda, Israel, Bangladesh, Singapore, Canada, India and Kenya have already shown their support on saving the planet. It is a very important measure that should be taken as soon as possible. Santorini is being visited by 1.5 million tourists per year, so you can imagine how many plastic bags go to the landfill and pollute our seas. Save Santorini, save the world. Sign this petition and make the municipality of THIRA stop using plastic bags....
We the undersigned, demand a greener future for Santorini and the whole world. We make our future. Let's paint it green by banning the use of plastic bag in Santorini. We demand the use of eco (non plastic) bags, such as bags made of cloth. We also don't want Santorini to use paper bags because paper bags are made from 100% wood and we will promote the destruction of the rainforests. We want Santorini to use only recycled paper bags and bags made of cloth. In the end, we want the Municipality of Thira to distribute bags made of cloth to all citizens of Thira. Build our future. Paint it green!
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