It's hard to believe that internationally beloved actor Scott Bakula has yet to receive a STAR on Hollywood's "Walk of Fame".  Best known for his t.v. roles as Dr. Sam Beckett (Quantum Leap) and Capt. Jonathan Archer (Enterprise), Scott is recognized and revered by millions of fans worldwide, and known throughout the Hollywood community as "one of the nicest guys" in the business. He has been nominated for an Emmy (Quantum Leap) on four consecutive occasions, and is the recipient of a Golden Globe - 1992 (Quantum Leap) for "Best Performance by an Actor in a T.V. Series." Scott's theatrical musical background has also lead to a number of on and off Broadway performances and a Tony Nomimation in 1988 (Romance, Romance). Additional credits include recurring guest star roles on the series' "The New Adventures of Old Christine" and "Chuck", not to mention numerous other television and movie roles. Most recently he is one of the lead co-stars on the TNT series "Men of a Certain Age." "Quantum Leap"  fans (i.e. known as Leapers), in particular, are thrilled that Scott's co-star from Quantum Leap - Dean Stockwell - has already received a STAR on Hollywood Boulevard, and deservedly so; now we want one for Scott Bakula as well. This is indeed a long overdue honor for a very talented and popular actor...ask anyone who is either a fan or has worked directly with Scott!!!

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