A gluten-free hamburger, please!

Let's show the companies the need of gluten-free food!  Support our work and sign!

Coeliac Youth of Europe is working on the company cooperation project during 2011. Aim of the project is simply to contact restaurants, show the potential and get more gluten-free food into the menu: gluten-free hamburgers, pizzas etc. The results of this petition will be used by the national coeliac youth groups around Europe.

Gluten-free hamburgers are available at McDonald's in Norway, Sweden and Finland. We want them to be available everywhere!

Don't forget to answer the survey! The link to the survey and more information on the CYE website http://www.cyeweb.eu

Best regards
Coeliac Youth of Europe

To: Restaurants
Dear Madams and Sirs,

We the undersigned are hoping to see more safe gluten-free options in the restaurant menus for coeliacs.

According to research** there are over 6 million coeliacs in Europe. This makes us a potential customer group for restaurants, which want to offer gluten-free options.

**See for example Mustalahti K, Catassi C, Reunanen A et al. The prevalence of celiac disease in Europe: results of a centralized, international mass screening project. Ann Med 2010; 42:587-95.

The Petition Signers
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