Washington Post: Give the Peeps Diorama a Chance!

Tell the Washington Post to accept the best entries in their third annual Peeps diorama contest, even if they challenge the Post's right wing editorial line!

On March 15 you received an official entry in your third annual Washington Post Peeps Diorama Contest. Quite simply, it is one of the greatest entries you are ever likely to receive should we be blessed with 100 years of Washington Post Peeps Diorama Contests, and yet we fear that circumstances may (neon) color your ability to grant this objet d%u2019art the recognition it deserves.

You see, the Washington Peeps Ed Board Diorama Thingy%u2122 depicts the Post%u2019s marshmallowy descent into gelatinous right-wing foreign policy goo. For this reason we understand that there may be a certain amount of conflict within your institution about granting this piece your recognition, but that would not be fair.

To be sure, if execution were the primary criteria, would there be any question about the entry%u2019s sweet, sweet virtues? Take another look at those hand-stained hardwood floors, the sculpted-to-scale clay pencil holders & coffee mugs, to say nothing of the individually costumed and coiffed characters based on actual members of the Washington Post editorial board.

This subject is sticky, and we will not sugarcoat our request: we believe that the official Washington Peeps Ed Board Diorama must be included in your winners%u2019 circle.  Any other outcome would be a tooth-rotting travesty of justice. And without justice, can there ever truly be Peeps?

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