Animal Cop Shoots Two Kittens and Their Mother

Lackawanna, NY

Please call and email officials and ask why this animal killer is still on the job and not charged with animal cruelty.  Keep him away from animals and fire him.

*UPDATE-(Court Date) February 9, 2009 @ West Seneca Town Court/1250 Union Rd. West Seneca, NY 14224.  SPCA supporters in this case are encouraged to attend. Please call the SPCA at 716-629-3505 with any questions, or for more information.



Felony charge against Mr. Grasso have been dismissed.  His next hearing has been moved to the nearby town of West Seneca, NY.  A hearing date has yet to be scheduled.

Lackawanna animal control officer was arrested Friday after an SPCA investigation determined he shot three stray cats, authorities said.

Frederick S. Grasso, 60, who is charged with aggravated animal cruelty, is accused of killing two kittens and their mother Tuesday at an apartment complex on Eagan Drive in Lackawanna.

Grasso, who will be arraigned in Lackawanna City Court, could face two years in jail and be fined $5,000.

A resident of the apartment complex initially called the SPCA to report strays prowling outside the building, and Barbara Carr, executive director of the SPCA, said the SPCA began receiving tips about the shootings Tuesday night.

On Friday, SPCA Animal Cruelty Investigator Charles Braun lodged the felony charges against Grasso.

It is believed that Grasso disposed of the cats in a landfill, authorities said. End.

Lackwanna Mayor Norman Polanski responded by saying this case is a publicity stunt by the SPCA? 

Read here:

Kindly contact:
Judge Richard B. Scott
West Seneca Town Court
1250 Union Road
West Seneca, NY 14224
Fax: 716.674.0518

(Grasso's Attorney) City Attorney, Arc Petricca
We the undersigned respectfully ask that Frederick Grasso be charged with animal cruelty and permanently relieved of his duty as an animal control officer.  Additionally we ask Mr. Grasso to never be allowed to own or work with animals ever again.

Thank you for taking the time to review this, we look forward to hearing from you.
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