Help free Seena from detention.
9 year - old Seena was orphaned 2 months ago when his mum and dad drowned on the boat that sank at Christmas Island. Seena was one of the survivors.
Seena has been returned to Christmas Island Detention Centre today despite fears for the child's mental health and safety. Seena himself had told relatives he was scared to return.
Seena is being returned to detention despite having relatives in Sydney who are ready, willing and able to care for him.
Detention is no place for a child. It would be inhumane to keep Seena in detention. The poor child has suffered enough. We are asking people to support us in asking the Minister for Immigration (who is Seena's legal guardian) to please act in his best interests and release him right now from detention into the care of his family.
Dear Minister Bowen,
we call on you to please exercise your compassion and release Seena immediately into the care of his relatives in Sydney who are willing and able to care for him.
We are deeply troubled by reports that in detention Seena has a daily ritual of staring blankly at walls and waiting at the gate for new boat arrivals, in the hope that his mother will be among them. In Christmas Island Detention Centre Seena will only become more traumatized the longer he remains there.
Detention is no place for a child. It would be inhumane to keep Seena in detention. The poor child has suffered enough, please act in his best interests and release him right now from detention into the care of his family.
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