WWE Re-sign Mr. Kennedy

The Official Petition to get Mr. Kennedy(Ken Anderon) back in the WWE.

We the WWE Universe want World Wrestling Entertainment to re-sign Mr. Kennedy(Ken Anderson) and bring him back where he belongs. The Green Bay Loudmouth has been released from his contract for reasons out of his control and that is not fair to his fans around the world. Whether it's in the squared circle or in a chair next to Good Ol' J.R, Mr. Kennedy deserves to be in the WWE to do what he does best and thats entertain the WWE Universe. Mr. Kennedy is one of the most beloved wrestlers around today do infact to his connection with his fans. It is well known that injurys have prevented Ken Anderson from showcasing his talents in the ring, but his talents are stretched far beyond his in ring work and can be utilized in other ways. Athletes get hurt thats just what happens when your putting your body on the line, the difference is unlike a baseball player or basketball player Ken Anderson puts his body on the line for his fans and not for a paycheck.  We the WWE Universe want to thank World Wrestling Entertainment for their time, and would greatly appreciate it if Mr. Kennedy was re-signed.
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