Ban jet skis in the Port River Estuary and Barker Inlet regions

For 15 years AMWRRO officials have watched and documented Jet Ski operators harass dolphins within the Port River Estuary and have called on the state Government to act time and time again.

Jet Skiers constantly speed through pods, approach too closely and harass new born dolphins (of which is illegal) and furthermore, have no regard for the rules they are supposed to follow (4 knots within 200m of the shore) yet the Department for Transport and Infrastructure refuse to acknowledge there is a problem. Please voice your opinion by signing this petition to ban Jet Skis from within the Port River Estuary and Barker Inlet regions!

We the Undersigned are calling on your office to Ban Jet Skis from within the Port River Estuary and Barker Inlet regions for the following reasons:

Jet Skiers constantly speed through pods of dolphins - which is illegal (no approach zone of 50m and caution zone of 150m (speed no greater than 5 knots)).

Jet Skiers constantly approach too closely and harass dolphins - including new born animals (again, no approach zone of 50m and caution zone of 150m (speed no greater than 5 knots)).

Jet Skiers have no regard for the rules they are meant to abide by (of which are specified by your office) e.g. 4 knots within 200m of the shore, yet the Port River and Barker Inlet is rarely 400m wide in order for Jet Skiers to exceed more the 4 knots.

The Port River dolphins face many treats within the Port River Estuary e.g. pollution and fast moving vessels with propellers; Jet Skiers add yet another level of stress and endangerment to the lives of many local dolphins that rely heavily on this area to birth their young; yet another threat they should not need to face within an estuary. 

All vessel licenses should incorporate information about interacting with the wildlife we share these waterways with; all licenses must incorporate questions concerning caution and no approach zones with the corresponding penalties/fines for breaking the law.
Dolphins found within the Port River Estuary and Barker Inlet are protected by the State Government, yet the Department for Transport and Infrastructure refuse to acknowledge any of these issues as a problem and allow this harassment and constant threat to continue and of which will cost lives if not stopped.

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