GREAT BEARS illegally held prisoner & Neglected by the people which hold them illegally on their Private Property.. What did you say? Not on my watch!!!!!
- da: Jacqueline Mari M
- destinatario: President of the United States of America Commander in Chief Honerable Mr. Donald Trump the Wise
BEARS held illegally by Romanian property owner, Romanian Government doesn't act to protect them.
I am requesting help with your connections to important sources to create results, in the act of protection against animal cruelty.
Property owner in Romania has endangered species of BEAR held illegally, starved unsanitary living quarter's for the Bears which hold important balance which I beg for your help to save their existence. They deserve to be free & smell fresh air. And fresh food in the forest where they will be happiest. To explain what you may not take into consideration for important bears you wouldn't think about. Bears defend wolves off and can defend against wolves 7 to 1 bear average. With flawless victory . I take pride in my California state flag being of a BEAR. Bears are important to balance to keep peace.
Thank you
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