Tell LEGO to Cut Ties with Shell

Everyone loves to play with LEGO, but no one wants Shell to play with the Arctic.

LEGO is helping Shell, a company that wants to drill in the Arctic, to clean up its image. By helping build Shell’s brand and allow Shell into the playrooms of millions of kids, it's taking a stand for Arctic destruction.

The Arctic is a beautiful place with a unique wildlife of polar bears, narwhals, walrus and many other species that are completely dependent on the Arctic sea ice. It’s a fragile environment and an oil spill would be devastating.

Further, the ice is melting. With three quarters of the ice gone, it’s time to hear the alarm clock ring and put an immediate halt to climate change. The oil companies with Shell in the foreground are not listening. Instead they see opportunities to exploit this vulnerable and pristine place and drill for more of the oil that caused the problem in the first place.

It's time for LEGO to take a stand against Arctic destruction. Tell LEGO to cut ties with Shell.
Dear LEGO,

Everyone loves to play with LEGO, but no one wants to see you play with Shell.

I’m really disappointed to learn that you are helping Shell, a company that wants to drill in the Arctic, to clean up its image. When you help build Shell’s brand and allow Shell into the playrooms of millions of kids, you take a stand for Arctic destruction.

The Arctic is a beautiful place with a unique wildlife of polar bears, narwhals, walrus and many other species that are completely dependent on the Arctic sea ice. It’s a fragile environment and an oil spill would be devastating.

Further, the ice is melting. With three quarters of the ice gone, it’s time to hear the alarm clock ring and put an immediate halt to climate change. The oil companies with Shell in the foreground are not listening. Instead they see opportunities to exploit this vulnerable and pristine place and drill for more of the oil that caused the problem in the first place.

[Your comments will go here]

I’m asking you, LEGO, to take a stand against Arctic destruction. Don’t let yourself and your good name be used to legitimize what cannot be legitimized. I kindly ask you to cut ties with Shell.

[Your name]
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