Benjamin added that Benoit and Edwards %u201Cdid what was, quite frankly, consistent with their training%u201D at PETA.

PETA HAS TAKEN IT UPON ITSELF TO SUPPORT BREED SPECIFIC LEGISLATION, TO BAN THE PIT BULL TERRIER, AND ERADICATE THE BREED.  UPDATE ON THE DORCHESTER, S.C. CASE: IS AN EMAIL I RECEIVED TODAY FROM PBRC, PIT BULL RESCUE CENTRAL. As for PeTA, they have supported the extinction of pit bull dogs even though its mission statement notes, "...PeTA is dedicated to establishing and protecting the rights of all animals..." and there is a pit bull in the banner on their web page. While PeTA has done a lot for the animal rights movement in some areas, its tactics are often extreme and the organization contradicts its purpose when it comes to pit bulls. From a PeTA worksheet: "Breed-specific spaying and neutering legislation is an important tool in ending the tragic exploitation of these breeds." PBRC does not support any breed specific legislation, though we do support spaying and neutering of pets! Of course, we too would like to see an end to the exploitation of the American Pit Bull Terrier, but we do not believe that pit bulls should be singled out in legislative efforts. In 2000, PETA's president, Ingrid Newkirk, made public statements in which she opposed the adoption of pit bulls in her article, "Some Dogs Are Weapons - Ban Them." In fact, in her article she supports breed specific bans and blanket euthanasia policies regarding pit bulls. She concluded the article stating the public should only adopt other breeds. As an organization, one of PBRC's main goals is to promote the successful adoption of pit bulls.  Our vision statement is: "Pit Bull Rescue Central envisions a compassionate world where pit bulls and pit bull mixes reside in responsible, loving homes and where their honor and positive image is restored and preserved." As you can see, PeTA's vision and position on issues that affect pit bulls are incongruous with those of Pit Bull Rescue Central.A wonderful resource for combating BSL is this website: THE BULLIES kills animals!!http://www.petakillsanimals.com They Came for the JewsFirst they came for the Jewsand I did not speak outbecause I was not a Jew.Then they came for the Communistsand I did not speak outbecause I was not a Communist.Then they came for the trade unionistsand I did not speak outbecause I was not a trade unionist.Then they came for meand there was no one leftto speak out for me.Pastor Martin Niem�ller Ms. Newkirk is nothing but another Hitler, this one targets INNOCENT animals.My request to PETA:I would like to obtain any letters written by the organization PETA calling for eradication of any breed or specie of animal that has been documented to cause bodily harm or death to a human being.  I would imagine that such letters would be available upon one%u2019s request, since you are so eager to eradicate the Pit Bull Terrier.  You must then be for eradicating any other animal that has caused injury or death.  Specifically what I am in search of is a copy of any letter(s) advocating the eradication of animals documented attacking humans and other animals including any you sent to California when people were attacked and killed by Mountain Lions and Cougars and also would like copies of letters sent to Colorado and Wyoming when documented cases of Grey Wolf attacks were reported.  If you have neither of those perhaps you could send me a copy of the letter you sent to Florida calling for the eradication of the Alligator for all the small pets they have devoured.  I would like any copies of letter(s) sent to the Prime Minister of India requesting the eradication of the Indian (Bengal) Tiger due to the fatal attacks upon livestock and humans.  In short I would like copies of any and all letters addressing this topic requesting eradication of any specie(s) due to attacks on humans.I look forward to a speedy reply.Sincerely,HOW CAN YOU WANT TO ERADICATE AND PROTECT THIS BREED OF DOG AT THE SAME TIME?,4_1_JO29_DOG_S1.articlePETA CONTACT INFORMATION:info@peta.orgmediainfo@peta.orgDaphna Nachminovitch 757-622-7382LETTER SENT TO THE DORCHESTER COUNTY BY A PETA MEMBER OFFERING ASSISTANCE TO INTRODUCE BREED SPECIFIC LEGISLATION TO DORCHESTER COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA. PETA URGES DORCHESTER COUNTY TO BAN PIT BULLS IN WAKE OF FATAL ATTACK ON TODDLER %u2018Brian%u2019s Law%u2019 Could Prevent Future Tragedies, Says GroupFor Immediate Release:April 27, 2007Contact:Daphna Nachminovitch 757-622-7382Dorchester County, S.C. %u2014 This morning, PETA sent an urgent letter to Dorchester County Council Chair Larry Hargett and other council members urging them to follow the lead of dozens of other jurisdictions across the country by banning or strictly regulating pit bull ownership. The appeal follows news reports of an April 23 incident in which a pit bull fatally attacked 1 �-year-old Brian Palmer in his mother%u2019s home. News sources state that the dog%u2014who also killed a family cat just weeks earlier%u2014was typically confined to a utility room in the home before she escaped on Monday.PETA is asking the Dorchester County Council to ban the acquisition of pit bulls and strictly regulate grandfathered ownership of pit bulls currently living in homes. PETA%u2014which has offered to assist the county in drafting the legislation%u2014also suggests that the ordinance be named "Brian%u2019s Law" in honor of the victim.PETA points out that that its offices are inundated with calls about pit bulls who injure and sometimes kill people after being neglected, abused, or used for fighting. Usually, people who acquire pit bulls see them as living weapons and put the animals in heavy chains, taunt them into aggressive behavior, and leave them out in all weather extremes in order to "toughen" them. Communities across the country%u2014including Denver, Colo.; Dade County, Fla.; Kansas City, Kan.; and Boston, Mass.%u2014have banned or regulated pit bull ownership. Because unsterilized dogs are almost three times more likely to attack than dogs who have been spayed or neutered, California recently passed a law allowing jurisdictions within the state to mandate the spaying and neutering of pit bulls. Continuous chaining is also a major cause of aggression in pit bulls and other breeds. Dogs are pack animals, and they become frustrated when they are chained or confined alone. This frustration often turns into aggression."More and more communities are realizing that the best way to prevent another tragic death like Brian%u2019s is to enact a ban on acquiring pit bulls," says PETA Director Daphna Nachminovitch. "We urge Dorchester County to join their ranks by immediately introducing this urgently needed legislation."PETA%u2019s letter to the Dorchester County Council is available upon request. For more information, please visit Please note all the breeds of dogs that have been used for fighting at one time or another, one being, the Boston Terrier  Is PETA going to want to eradicate the Boston Terrier also?Excerpt from American Pit Bull Registry:In 1835 bull baiting was officially banned. This forced people especially of the lower classes to find alternatives for their dogs. This resulted in a sport known as ratting where a number of rats were placed in a pit for a specified time with the dog. THIS IS IN FACT WHERE THE "PIT" IN THE AMERICAN Pit Bull TERRIER NAME CAME FROM NOT FROM FIGHTING OTHER DOGS. BSL INFORMATION:
BELOW ARE BREEDS OF DOGS THAT HAVE BEEN USED OR BEING USED FOR FIGHTING.  IS PETA GOING TO ASK FOR THE ERADICATION OF THESE BREEDS TOO?Akita Inu, Alangu Mastiff, Alano Espanol, American Bulldog, American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Argentino Dogo, Bedlington Terrier, Blue Paul Terrier, Boston Terrier, Bull and Terrier, Bull Terrier, Bully Kutta, Cordoba Fighting Dog, Dogue de Bordeaux (Turner and Hooch Dog), Dogo Cubano, Dogo Sardesco, English Mastiff, English White Terrier, Fila Brasileiro, Gull Dong, Gull Terr, Indian Bull Terrier, Irish Staffordshire Terrier, Kerry Blue Terrier (becoming quite popular in America), Lottatore Brindisino, Neapolitan Mastiff, Manchester Terrier (another popular house breed), Old English Bulldog, Perro de Presa Canario, Perro de Presa Mallorquin, Pit Bull, Stafforshire Bull Terrier, Tibetan Mastiff, TosaAs one can see there are many, many breeds of dog in the past and present that have been used by "man" to fight for "man's" sick pleasure at spectating such heinous activity.  Why is it that the dog must pay?  For a group that prides itself on the "Ethical Treatment of Animals", I do not see this as being very ethical.
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