Let's stop the expansion of an uranium mine that threatens an unique ecosystem in Salamanca (Spain)

  • da: Fabio G
  • destinatario: Juan Vicente Herrera, President of Castilla y Leon Spanish Region

The price of uranium is growing worldwide. This fact, which can be great news for some mining companies, is a hard blow to the environment in Spain: the uranium mine that the Berkeley company exploits in Salamanca is growing fastly and threatens to devour areas of high ecological value where endangered fish species live.

This mine is situated in the Yeltes river basin, an area protected by the European Union, which provides thousands of Euros to grant environmental protection and to preserve fish species in risk of extinction that only live in this area. Now the mine expansion threatens to destroy for good this unique ecosystem.

In addition, the mine expansion is being done without the required authorizations: the enlargement of the mine was appealed and is pending approval by the courts, but in the meantime the company continues to work and to increase the wound of this open mine. How is it possible? Because the fines imposed for performing unlicensed works are too low and the company prefers to pay instead of stopping the activity.

If it's already terrible that the Junta de Castilla y Leon supports the growth of a mine that threatens an area of high natural value, but it’s even more serious that this mine is being enlarged without the necessary licenses. So I ask the president of the Junta de Castilla y Leon, Juan Vicente Herrera, to act to stop the illegal expansion of this uranium mine. Join me and sign this petition.

Please, act to stop the illegal expansion of the Berkeley uranium mine in Salamanca.

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