Demand police conduct a full investigation into the dumping of 55 dead greyhounds in bushland

  • da: Georgina B.
  • destinatario: Ian Steward, Queensland Police Commissioner

The bodies of at least 55 greyhound dogs were found at a site near Bundaberg, Australia in what police called disturbing and horrific circumstances, according to a report in The Guardian.

Some of the dead greyhounds had been shot and the dogs appeared to have been left to rot in the open.

Police said the area might have been used by people in the industry as a safe place to dump greyhounds.

The report in The Guardian says the dogs appeared to have been killed before an exposé about live baiting went to air on a television show in Australia - ABC TV’s Four Corners program.

Four Corners had showed footage that alleged some trainers were using live piglets, possums and other small animals to train competitive race dogs.

No animal should be treated in this way. Will you help me to urge the Queensland police to take action to find those responsible?

Please sign and share the petition to urge police to conduct a full investigation into the dumping of 55 dead greyhounds and to prosecute those responsible, pending the outcome of the investigation.

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