Help Save Blitz

  • da: Trudy Atkinson
  • destinatario: Sheffield Crown Court & the UK Government and Parliament, DEFRA

Blitz is Emilys dog. He was handed to the police and seized as 'type' after getting out of his garden on the 7th February 2015. It has taken several months to get a court date and yesterday, 3rd July, the court stated that he would be put to sleep and his family have 21 days to appeal this decision. Blitz is 17 months old, is soft as a brush wouldn't hurt a fly and as expected is playful and boisterous for his age. The reason stated for putting him to sleep is he got out of the garden. The police have not assessed the garden. Blitz is a family dog who has been in kennels now for five months and should be with his family, he is just a baby, please support Emily and his family to get him home. Emily is going to contact DDA watch and do everything she can to get her boy home.

We are appealing to Sheffield Magistrates Court to let Blitz live and return to his happy family home as he has done nothing wrong.

Blitz next court date is 15th January 2016, thank you everyone for signing and sharing the petition, please keep sharing to highlight Blitz' plight.

15th January 2016 - the court upheld the destruction order today.  Understandably Emily is devastated.  Emily's legal counsel are working to fight this.

1st February 2016 Appeal lodged to save Blitz, awaiting court date.

Update 22/4/16 Appeal rejected and application made to the high court, Blitz case is under Judicial Review - more information on Judicial Review here:…/judicial-review/

Update 8/7/16 permission to appeal to High Court granted.

Update 13/9/16 date for judicial review is 31/1/17 - published by Wheldon Law

Update from Wheldon Law 31/1/17 - A partial result after a judicial review hearing at The Royal Courts of Justice today.  The court... found that the grounds for judicial review were valid and the crown court judge should, as we had requested, have asked the court to state a case.  However, the court would not rule on the most important issue of whether Blitz's life should be spared because there was no-one from the police/prosecution present (despite them being notified of the hearing). So this element of the case has been adjourned to a date to be notified.  Given the amount of time poor Blitz has been in kennels, let's hope this isn't too far away.

Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) was rushed through as part of the 1991 Dangerous Dogs Act. It was a simplistic response to the public mood at the time, and it legislates against certain dog types rather than tackling effective dog rearing and ownership or considering the temperament of individual animals. Evaluations have found it to be ineffective in the Netherlands, Denmark and Spain.

Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) was rushed through as part of the 1991 Dangerous Dogs Act. It was a simplistic response to the public mood at the time, and it legislates against certain dog types rather than tackling effective dog rearing and ownership or considering the temperament of individual animals. Evaluations have found it to be ineffective in the Netherlands, Denmark and Spain.

Aggiorna #18 anni fa
Blitz judicial review is tomorrow, 31st January. It will be an absolute travesty if this dog dies. Breed Specific Legislation is a cruel and unjust law that kills family pets. Please write to your MP, or local officials, if you are outside of the UK and engage with them to be part of the change we need to see with an introduction of Breed Neutral Legislation worldwide. Thank you for your ongoing support.
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