Take the pledge for obesity care coverage

Obesity transcends mere weight concerns; it's a chronic disease and a pivotal women's health issue with far-reaching implications across their lifespan. The EveryBODY Covered campaign is working to ensure that everybody has access to evidence-based obesity care options. Comprehensive obesity care should be covered just as care for other chronic diseases is covered.

By taking the pledge, you commit to:

  • Recognize that obesity is a chronic disease that has a significant impact on women, particularly women of color
  • Advocate for obesity care to be covered, just like any other chronic disease
  • Fight stigma and discrimination against individuals living with obesity, especially women

Obesity's impact on women's health and well-being is undeniable. Change is required to adequately and appropriately care for people living with obesity –– and can only happen with your help. You can make a difference.
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