Lead by example: politicians should stop with the name calling and slander,and racist talk about each other

    Ok if we must have political debate then the people who want to lead our country need to take a closer look at themselves and what they are presenting as okay and saying about each other as if it's ok, .what I see is the most devidide country for one ,2 I see and hear the people who want to run our country calling each other names like loser and pointing out or making it an effort to make a statement about color of skin or race they talk about how black people this and white people that and then want to pass laws for hate crimes and things our children and younger generation see and hear the way our leaders are talking to and about each other as name calling how do we teach our children that racism is wrong or not to be a bully and don't call someone names ECT yet it's ok for our leaders to do so and the fact that their doing it and show no care in the world for who might be watching even so it's wrong shouldn't we be trying to unite not divide and do away with racism not promote it stop the bullying and name calling not present it through leaders to our nation that it's ok .someone once said " a house divided against itself is better off dead" we are the most divided .why can't we strive to come together and do things like stop mentioning for any reason anything about racism and eventually within a generation or so our children won't even know it existed we can teach our history without having to put so much emphasis on racism or to point it out in any way we all in this world we all have been through something as a culture as a society as a country is anything so nobody's better than the other nobody's been through more than the other we've all had our share let's get over it so we can move on. I think we should also work on teaching our kids in schools how to cultivate how to survive if need be off the land how to respect the land and each other and the animals rather than sitting in the classroom for 8 hours learning how to memorize everything about nothing they need to teach him about money if they're going to teach him anything for success but they need to teach our kids how to love one another and trust in your brother stop all this competition and war and greed and change our way of life as a whole like Ronald Reagan said the government could disappear for 3 weeks or 3 months and we wouldn't even notice who needs them it's not like we are all of them capable of surviving or conducting anything on our own or the ones who actually do that we hold everything together without us it wouldn't even be what there is now but we need to stop following their rules and their threats and just do what we know is right we do just fine we don't need no government or politics and all that that's been running us into the ground and tearing up our world and wildlife and our children and everything all because some government is on a high horse and apparently don't know what the hell they're doing or talking about we need to just come together and leave politics and all that government out of it we don't even need them they're the ones destroying us anyway and the way we raise our children we don't do something the way they want us to then they threaten us and if we don't still don't follow through they put us in jail I'm kind of freedom is that I have so much to say about so much I know you may not understand what I'm trying to say but I do and I know what I know in my heart and I don't think any of this has done anyone any good as far as government and politics and schools and now teach our kids anything that they that's useful and wonder why we can't seem to get ahead or grow and technology or anything else because they just want us to sit in the classroom absorb a bunch of information about irrelevant stuff junk then when we get older they distract us with devices and problems and war and just stress us out and easier to control how do you control Mass people through fear I'm going to make enough money to buy an island or something I'm going to move me and my family somewhere where you have to take a boat and an airplane and hiking miles to get to us I can't stand being a part of this what this is turned out to be this world rules limitations restrictions punishments
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