Get Ivory/Rhino Trade Banned by Boycotting Ivory Trade Nations

  • da: Carol Long
  • destinatario: All people, and the Ivory/Rhino Trade Nations: China, Vietnam, Thailand, Phillipines, Indonesia, Maylasia and others

Last year 40,000 elephants and over 1,000 rhinos were killed by poachers in Africa for their ivory and horns, now more precious than gold or platinum.  These crimes, committed by international crime syndicates, are fueled by demand in southeast Asian countries where domestic and sometimes international trade is still legal.  The money fuels more crime and terrorist groups like the Al-Qaeda-connected Al Shabaab.

Get the governments of the ivory trade nations to ban the import, export, sale and purchase of ivory and rhino horn, and--all-important!--to close the ivory carving shops in all countries.

Pledge to boycott Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese and other southeast Asian countries' products until they take the necessary actions.

Aggiorna #111 anni fa
China must close down the 30-some ivory carving shops as part of a ban on ivory trade; without the carvings the trade will languish.
Take note that until 2008, when China was allowed to participate in "legal" (indistinguishable from illegal) ivory sales, the elephant population was holding strong and poaching was in check.
Spread the word: Close China's carving shops!
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