The 2,000-mile stretch of land between the U.S. and Mexico is home to millions of American families who live and thrive in peace. Yet this region is now under siege, as President Trump, not satisfied that Congress has already given him almost $3 billion for border barriers, has issued a national emergency declaration, circumventing our system of separation of powers in order to construct his senseless border wall.
Following a record 35-day government shutdown that turned the lives of federal workers into bargaining chips, Trump is resorting to even more extreme measures as he attempts to bypass Congress through a national emergency declaration that sets up a constitutional clash between the legislative and executive branches.
We cannot give in. We need your help to stop this attack on communities, public health, and the environment.
The border region is home to millions who oppose a border wall. It also contains one of the most diverse ecosystems in North America, with wildlife such as the endangered Mexican gray wolf, jaguar, bighorn sheep, and ocelot. Trump's border wall would devastate communities and wildlife alike. It would also:
The border wall is yet another gimmick used by the Trump administration to intimidate communities, particularly Latinx and immigrant ones, that are fighting for their civil rights, including their right to a healthy environment. It's a symbol of fear being justified by the fiction that our border communities must be militarized and somehow deserve fewer protections under the law.
A wall is a waste of money and a distraction from the very real issues border communities face. Our border communities need funding for schools, environmental cleanup, and wildlife protection, not a divisive wall. Tell Congress to fund communities and natural landscapes, not senseless walls.
RE: Stop the border wall. Oppose any legislation that fund it
Dear Senator,
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