Help Free Puppies and Dogs from Cruel Puppy Farms

All over Australia, hundreds of dogs are suffering horrendous conditions at the hands of cruel backyard breeders.

They are kept in hot tin sheds in tiny cages with mud and maggots. There is no clean water for them to drink. They are never walked or washed. Their coats are matted with mud and faeces -- sometimes so badly, the dog can't even open their mouth properly.

The dogs are bred, and they have their puppies, and then they're bred again. It goes round and around until their bodies are exhausted and broken.

Most breeders do the right thing by their animals, but there are a lot of cruel breeders who just don't care.

If you share our anger at the owners of horrific intensive puppy farms, and our determination to free poor puppies and dogs from a living hell -- then please pledge your support today.

You will help Animal Welfare League NSW give these dogs the loving life they deserve.
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