Boycott C.K. Mondavi and Charles Krug Wines
Fired Charles Krug-Mondavi workers are calling for a nationwide boycott of all Charles Krug and C.K. Mondavi wine labels. The contract between the United Farm Workers and Charles Krug-Mondavi expired and the company has refused to return to the bargaining table to re-negotiate an agreement.
In July of this year, all of the vineyard workers from the Krug-Mondavi Winery were fired just after the state Agricultural Labor Relations Board told the winery it was filing a formal complaint against it. The ALRB complaint alleges Krug-Mondavi has no right to refuse to bargain with its vineyard workers over renewing their United Farm Workers contract.
Krug-Mondavi does not care about its employees nor do they seem to be worried about what the law says. It had no legal or moral right to fire these workers! Now, workers with children and families to support are unjustly out of a job.
Fired Charles Krug-Mondavi employees are calling for a nationwide boycott of all Charles Krug and C.K. Mondavi wine labels. Help the workers get their jobs back. Join the UFW boycott of Krug-Mondavi wines.
Dear Peter Mondavi,
I have joined the UFW boycott of Krug-Mondavi wines. I'm disgusted to hear that Krug-Mondavi fired all its workers just after the Agricultural Labor Relations Board informed the company the state is filing a formal complaint for violating the law by refusing to bargain. You had no legal or moral right to fire these workers!
[your comment here]
Krug-Mondavi is not above the law. I stand with the fired Krug-Mondavi vineyard workers. I am boycotting all your wine labels and will tell my family and friends to do the same.
Immediately rehire these union workers and engage in good faith bargaining.
[your name]
[your address]
Firma la petizioneFirma la petizione