End senseless ban on pit bull terriers in Iola, KS now!

  • da: Ana Davis
  • destinatario: Iola City Council
Every day more and more people have their family pets taken away or put down simply because their breed is banned. Some people have had their dogs for years. Some of these dogs are the pets of children.

Any animal is capable of biting or worse, no matter what breed. People can't afford to comply with all the terms on owning a pit: insurance, enforced structures, etc.

Let's prove to City Council that it's not the breed. Pit bulls are amazing dogs. Sweet, loyal, gentle with children, great farm and hunting dogs, great protectors and so much more!!!

Let's end this ban and show that we as a town love all dogs no matter what the breed. Because at the end of the day they are just another one of God's beautiful creatures. #punishtheownernotthebreed
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