PepsiCo: Stop driving the extinction of orangutans!
PepsiCo's use of Conflict Palm Oil to make chips and chewy granola bars is driving orangutans to the brink of extinction in the wild.
The orangutan's rainforest home is being destroyed to make way for Conflict Palm Oil plantations and burning is often a cheap method used to clear land. If last year's forest fires in Indonesia are an indicator for what is to come this year, then 2016's burning season could soon be the last for many orangutan families.
If snack food giants like PepsiCo do not change their palm oil sourcing policy, this will continue to be an unfolding tragedy.
Rainforest Action Network has succeeded in getting 15 of the 20 biggest snack food companies in world to adopt responsible sourcing policies by using petitions signed by concerned consumers like you.
Now it's your turn: Add your name to the petition and demand that PepsiCo address its Conflict Palm Oil problem and stop driving the extinction of orangutans.
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