Ban Use of Animals in Tobacco Testing & Research

  • da: Sue Lee
  • destinatario: Federal Drug Administration

Recent studies have shown that animals continue to be used in the tobacco research division for experimentation.  The further disturbing fact is that the government knows and allows these abusive practices. Read further:

It is a widely known fact that tobacco is dangerous and bad for human health, however, humans choose to take on that risk. However, children, non-smokers and live animals do not have the conscientious ability to say no. With all the risks involved in the tobacco industry, it is quite troubling that people would subject innocent animals to its effects by engaging live animals like rats, mice and monkeys as experiments for tobacco products.

Our efforts in this petition is to ask the FDA to place a full ban on the use of live animals as subjects in the experiments, research and testing of tobacco products.  You can help us in our efforts by signing and sharing this petition, speaking out to save animals from the effects of tobacco products. 

Federal Drug Administration – It has been common knowledge that tobacco products cause illness and death in humans, yet it appears that it is acceptable to use live animals in testing and research in this industry.  We strongly urge you to ban the use of animals in tobacco testing and experiments that leads to undue suffering and death. Humans choose to face these risks by using tobacco products but animals do not and doing so is abusive and cruel.  Please ban their use in any tobacco-related products.

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