Physical Evidence

Dr. Steven Jones has done extensive scientific analysis on physical evidence pertaining to the attacks of 9/11/01. The importance of such work cannot be overstated. BYU, where he has been employed as a physics professor, has placed him on paid leave while it reviews his findings. This petition is in support of Dr. Jones, his work, the thorough examination by qualified professionals, and subsequent peer review, of physical evidence pertaining to the attacks of 9/11/01, and whatever conclusions or implications that are rationally derived from such data.
We the undersigned support Dr. Steven Jones and his work involving physical evidence pertaining to the attacks of 9/11/01. We are in favor of the scientific investigation of crime. We are in favor of honest and adaquate peer review of such work, using the experiemental method if necessary. If such examination substantiates Dr. Jone's findings, we consider a full and unequivocal endorsement of the findings and Dr. Jones to be the only rational course of action available to BYU. Furthermore, it is also logical to fully and unequivocally endorse any conclusions or implications that are rationally derived from objective scientific data that can be tested for its validity.
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