Change the Paladin Tier 5 armor set

When the new Tier 5 armor sets designs were revealed some time ago, it became obvious that something is unfair. Why all classes have cool looking high-end armors, and the Paladin one looks like a purple dildo or a Power Ranger Character?

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Dear Blizzard,

The time has come to sum it up. You have surely came across:

-different discussions on all kinds of boards ( LINK ),

-'artworks' (LINK 1 , LINK 2 ),

-film scraps ( LINK ),

and other ways of making laugh of this TERRIBLY BAD armor design.

My main character (and the only one on lvl 60) is a dwarven Paladin, and i can't imagine wearing this thing. Why can't you give this job to the people who designed Tier 2 for Paladins (because i don't believe the same people designed Tier 2 and Tier 5)? This one looked really awesome. And when I look at the current Tier 5, I'm honestly losing will to play this game.

Some of the opinions about the Paladin Tier 5 - taken from the official WoW forums mostly:

    "Fire the guy who designed this armor. "

Why can't we get a decent-looking set?? IT"S NOT HARD.
We have people on here who spent a few hours of their time and a
photoshop program and generated a 1337% improvement over this
garbage-looking set."

They seriously need to shoot the idiot who designs the Paladin shit."

    "Now I might be wrong, but Power Rangers and Paladins don’t exactly have all that much in common."

    "they keep day-glo lavender robo-tech suits of armor just lying around to use as placeholder graphics."

    "I will obviously have to continue my ways of wearing off-set
cloth/leather/mail/plate healing gear because I refuse to wear that

    "Please, please fix blizz! Tier 2 was so amazing, I want to feel proud wearing my armour again..."

All other Tier 5 sets are pretty cool. Please, Blizzard, don't make Paladins a Fairy class. Don't make us wear the Power Rangers suit and look like - quote - giant purple dildos. Please redesign the Tier 5 for Paladins and make it look like a really high-end armor set which will not make us abandon our characters because of its metrosexual design.

Thorrgan, Dwarven Paladin of the Earthen Ring Server.

Don't make fairies out of Paladins.

Thanks in advance.
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