Please take your time and read, and the four to five people got involved in this to be punished (better I think they should pay to help many more animals for exactly four years and a half -how old my dumped baby by them was - to help paying for all the city and more spayings for cats, also a shelter for cats, all expenses covered by them for the same 4 years and a half time).
I also need the best international petition site so the abusers or how to call all of them, to be punished for their contribution of abandoning in cold and hunger my sick baby and left to die between dogs and poisoning criminals neighborhood.
So, I explain downs all that happened since 25 January:
I have ads on internet as well as here on facebook, cats for adoption.
At the begining of the year, one foreign student, Slim Aidly called me and came with two mroe friends and adopted happily and safe still one kitten, Vanilla. On the 25th of January, he came back but with a girl this time, Leila Mjd. I told her and him I have left only one more kitten. She looked around and where the kitten was, Cima my 4,5 years old (born on 2nd August 2011) was staying for over a month still sick sleeping inside all day long, and Leila said she wanted her. I told her she is not for adoption, but because lately her sister was so happily and loved adopted, I said if she wants her and if she understands that Cima is special, crying all the time she wanted something. First, when she told him something in Tunisian, he translated to me she has another cat for more than ten years old at home. I also told her Cima is in antibiotic treatment and I also gave her the injection and told to both of them to return with her is she cries, or to call me anytime during the night to go and pick up her.
After they left without any question about her routine or food, I wrote her a message here and the only reply from her on 25 was: They are cute. Then I wrote her some about Cima but for 6 days Leila didn't reply me at all, even if I wrote her constantly asking about Cima and what is happening. At the end, I wrote to Slim. Then Leila repied before the next weekend. I told her she lost my baby and to tell me where to go and call her, also she was sick and cold and hungry. Leila denied, saying: I only moved her to my friend CLOSE HERE, to have garden. I froze. I said I want her back. Leila came with the transporter on Monday saying her friend Magda where she moved the cat didn't reply and maybe she left the city (this was not a readon to not answer the phone). Ok I said and the second day I noticed the transporter was new. I asked again, if she lost Cima and she denied(saing later that she forgot the transporter in the taxi, but calling there is was not found) and I was still asking to bring me to Magda. In the end I wrote to Slim that I will make a complain to the animal police and because I do not know their adress, police will get involved. Then he said they are not tieves and I gave them the cat. I tried to explain, it is adoption, and evne sold there is animal welfare. Then Leila repied again saying Magda put the cat outside and she disappeared. I asked quickly the adress. No way it was closer! Across the city near the river. It was 9.30 pm on Thursday night. I left in a hurry, summary dressed, and first impact on that street was tight concrete yards, tall metal fences and large dogs barking at me in the middle of the night even only passing by, more that I was yelling calling Cima. At the begining, across the street, a lady from a yard with two aggressive dogs came to me and told me to forget my cat because one of her and another she found dead poisoned at her door one by one. She also told me where Magda lives. I didn't give up and looked calling for Cima for hours all the small streets in the area until the field and back at the main road walking and calling her. On Friday afternoon I returned and looked for her calling her as I called every single night and never went to bed until I knew her safe and also took her inside in cold weather. Nothing. Where I left my car, an old man explained to me how he also found his cat poisoned and took her at the garbage without even telling to his wife to not upset her and since then they do not have cats anymore. He also said Magda lives next to him and she didn't leave home this time because she had exams session as from the university a friend also told me. He also knew she was not at at home that afternoon but I still rang at her door with not response, only her dog barking. In the end of the street, another lady told me not only cats but also dogs were poisoned on the street. I was frozen. Frozen from cold, heart frozen. Lost on the streets, an animal lover Sophy knew I am looking for my baby and came to look the area and for Magda too and she met me for the first time. Then I asked Sophy to put flyers the next day. She didn't until Monday and also went to Magda to speak with her if she finds her at home. So she did. Meanwhile, Monday noon, I also made a local Animal Police email complaint even if there is not enough evidence of the story. Sophy found Magda at home and she called me to tell me what Magda said. Magda said she received the cat as a birthday gift from Leila (without even wanting the cat!) and she put her ourside where Cima dissappeared. I went there in a hurry again and I looked and yelled Cima from up on the pier, river side, then the other side walking again on all the streets calling her. While I was looking, Vanessa, a friend of Magda called me on the phone to explain to me that Magda didn't want the cat, that she only said once that she will buy one later. So Leila called Magda on her Birthday and came with the cat as a gift. But Magda compained she had no cat food, only dog food, and it would be better Leila to return the cat... (so to understand she didn't even feed her!) while Vanessa and Magda were smoking, my baby was crying and they threw her outsdie hungry. In the next street where the gardens are back to back with the lady across the street with Magda, people also told me their animals, cats and dogs died poisoned too. In the end, I decided to se again the first lady who told me so determined to forget my cat. She had no ring bell at the door so I called her. She came, always in a hurry and I asked her if she found my baby's body if she was so determined (on Thursday) and she replied: yes, me and my husband were gone for 3 days in the weekend, and at our return, he found a dead black cat near the road, in front of our house. He refused to touch her, and the lady said she took it to the garbage bin. I asked: long hair? she said she didn't notice, but the body was a small black cat, then I said: my cat was large, and white in the top of the tail, she replied she couldn't see the tail because it was between the behind limbs, but my baby had always her tail up waving, not down. This was really the end of the streets and looking for my baby Cima story. Once at home, today I was checking Magda's birthday, and suprise! her birthday was on 19 January, and my baby was adopted on 25 January. What can I say more than ALL THE 4 OF THEM ARE LIARS SO THEY ALL ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DEATH OF MY BABY and all maybe even the aunt of Magda, that Magda tried to give some blame on her too at the begining saying she left/threw the cat outside :'(
My 4,5 half years old baby cat Cima was adopted on 25 of January, but given as a gift and merciless dumped sick in cold and in hunger to die on a full of aggressive dogs and poisoning neighborhood where is said she was found dead on Sunday.
Please find and punish all the fifth persons got involved in this.
Copilul meu o pisica de 4,5 ani pe nume Cima a fost adoptata si data cadou altei persoane care a aruncat-o bolnava si fara hrana afara, pe o strada unde e plin de curti cu caini mari agresivi si vecini care au otravit toate pisicile si unii caini de-a lungul timpului.
Cima spune o vecina de vizavi, a fost gasita moarta duminica.
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