New Report Shows Climate Change Is Changing the Very Fabric of Time. Developed Nations Must Step Up to Climate Promises!

    According to a shocking new study, climate change's effects have accelerated beyond floods, fires, and heatwaves -- the crisis is now altering time itself.

    It sounds like a science fiction novel, but it's very real, and very grim. The melting of the polar ice caps is sending melted water in large quantities toward the equator -- and this shift in mass is literally making Earth spin faster, changing the way we tell time.

    This is yet another sign that we need to be taking climate change far more seriously. Sign the petition demanding that the United States and European Nations step up to stop the climate crisis!

    The planet's increased speed means that in the coming years, timekeepers across the globe may have to insert a "negative leap second" into our days, essentially deleting a second entirely. While this may seem fairly minor, it has massive implications.

    The computers that most parts of our society increasingly rely on -- from hospital systems to GPS to financial markets -- will need to be perfectly synced up in order to avoid disaster.

    We also know that climate change is increasingly dire -- if gone unchecked, what's to say these "negative leap seconds" won't get more and more common, risking further complications to our societal systems?

    The 2015 Paris Agreement, the first near-global agreement for countries to voluntarily curb emissions, did a great deal to help. But we're still not doing enough. To keep the world from exceeding 2 degrees Celsius warming, current climate pledges need to get far more aggressive -- we're talking a 60% decrease in all emissions by 2035.

    As a part of the Paris Agreement, developed nations promised $100 million to poorer countries that do not have the means to shift energy infrastructure away from fossil fuels and prepared for extreme weather events, to which they are far more susceptible. But not only have countries like the US and those in Europe failed to fulfill this financial promise by now -- climate experts now say that a new, far higher number is needed to properly address climate change in developing countries.

    We are running out of time to avoid climate catastrophe, and time itself is being definitionally changed while we hem and haw. We must urge the US and countries in the EU to meet and exceed their financial commitments to developing countries. These nations must be given the means to fight climate change, and survive the effects that are already here. Sign the petition if you agree!
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