Protect wolves and other vulnerable species

As vulnerable endangered species, like gray wolves, continue to face ongoing threats to their survival, Congress is trying to rollback science-backed protections critical to their recovery and we need your help to fight back!

The House passed a series of anti-wildlife bills that now move on to the Senate for a vote. It's imperative Senators hear from you NOW that you oppose these dangerous policies.

H.R. 764/S. 1895 seeks to delist the gray wolf from the Endangered Species Act and prohibit judicial review of the action, one of the main ways we have to fight back against these anti-wildlife attacks. Removing gray wolf protections nationwide would not only jeopardize their recovery and the ecological health of their ecosystems, it would also undermine the ESA's ability to base listing decisions on scientific evidence and not political interests. As states like Idaho and Montana continue to ramp up their attacks against wolves it is more important now than ever that we keep wolves nationwide protected.

H.R. 615/ S. 1185 and H.R. 3397/S. 1435 would prohibit efforts to ban lead ammo on federal lands and waters and prevent the Bureau of Land Management from recognizing conservation as an essential component of public lands management.

Protecting our nation's wildlife and wild lands should be based on scientific evidence, not the whims of politicians. These bills would be detrimental to the recovery of many endangered and vulnerable species, like the gray wolf, so we must speak up NOW to stop these dangerous bills in their tracks.

Please take a moment to add your name in support of protecting wildlife.
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