Demand Freedom from Circuses for ALL animals!

Whilst the Wild Animals in Circuses Act 2019 made great strides to protect 'animals not commonly domesticated in the UK' from being made to perform in circuses, the lives of domestic animals were left behind.

There is a shocking disregard for the licensing scheme intended to protect animals, and a woeful lack of enforcement by the Local Authorities whose responsibility it is to inspect and regulate circuses using animals. The result of this is animals showing clear signs of distress, neglect, and even injuries being sustained during performances.

Due to this lack of protection, circuses continue to subject innocent, sentient beings to dangerous, difficult, and demeaning tricks, as well as months on end of inadequate housing, frequent long journeys, and cramped conditions. One circus was still traveling with a camel - an animal supposedly protected by The Act. And what's worse, they were doing so with the knowing consent of their licensing authority!

Animals deserve better than this, and we can give it to them by making legislative changes to protect all animals from the circus once and for all.

Sign and tell the UK Parliament to amend The Wild Animals In Circuses Act 2019 to specify that wild animals are not allowed to travel with circuses, regardless of whether they are performing and introduce additional legislation to ban the use of any animals in traveling performances.
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