Protect the Child NOT the Predator!!

  • da: authored by mothers
  • destinatario: George Bush, U.S. President, U.S. Senate Body-ALL committees
This petition serves to provide ONE united voice to our legislators and President regarding the epidemic of child predation that has swept our nation.   No longer can we as Americans sit silently watching our children be molested and preyed upon and then witness the “civil rights and liberties” of the perpetrator being placed above the rights to safety and inncoence...the right a child has to live in OUR country free of predation.
 There has been a societal awareness brewing in America, and with the power of the people we can bring on significant change to the way our laws that govern child predation are written and enforced.

We MUST stand together and clearly, concisely howl NO MORE.
 It is imperative, to the souls of our people…to address the areas of our petition demands and DO SOMETHING about them.  One in four children are molested. One in four!! Next time you are near an area with many kids, a school, a park, a library…take a look at a group of children and know, with no uncertainty that ONE is a victim of a child predator.   It is our contention, as Americans, that our legislators do not understand the magnitude of this epidemic of child predation. We expect this petition to change that limited perception of what is truly happening, to kids all across our beloved country.  If we do not implement mass change to our policies, child predation will continue to be the bane of our collective childhoods. If we continue to tolerate this in our world, our people, the Human Race, will not thrive. We have seen generations of perpetrators and victims….and this cycle MUST stop.

I have authored this petition to shed on light on the magnitude of the issue. Furthermore, I am living proof that even if you convict your perpetrator, they will be released from prison on either a technicality within the law, or some other ruling that places the perpetrator’s “rights” above those of the victim’s, and every other innocent kid a convicted pedophile will have access to once released.  We must BE the voice of our children, for our children, and for generations to come.  This petition is based in fact, research and thousands of American Citizen's input have been incorporated in the textual portions.

I would also like to make a special mention of the people that are responsible for bringing this epidemic to the forefront of American’s consciousness: DateLine NBC and Chris Hansen’s work with the series “To Catch a Predator”,, John Walsh, Polly Klass foundation et al.
 It is our intention to receive upwards of a million signatures on this petition, and we intend to reach this goal, one signature at a time.  Zero Tolerance for the child predator!! You mess with a kid, YOU suffer the consequences, and they need to be severe. No more placing the perpetrator’s “rights” above those of the victims. NO MORE. If we allow this epidemic to thrive, we will be sending a chilling message to any would be predators. We cannot allow this. And we won’t.

There is also a growing segment of online predators who are touting this as a “lifestyle choice”…and if that makes your stomach turn, it SHOULD.
 Finally, even if you have no children of your own, sign this for the child you once were, and all the children of YOUR country. You hold the power; use it wisely.  Thank you all.

Note: When you add your signature to the petition, please add a brief comment indicating your support for this cause. You MUST do this as the way online petitions are being received is through individual signatures and comments left~that is how our legislators are to be sure we aren’t offering duplicate signage.

We are ready and we will lobby the biggest, most united front against the injustices befalling our children!!! Together we will be loud and clear: ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!



The areas that need the most critical attention are:
·  The Laws in place for sexual predators need enforcing.

 “They are not just suggestions. If there are any data errors in these predator’s files they slip through the cracks and you can be pretty sure they will re-offend."The crime rates on repeat offenders range from 18-45%. The more violent the crime the more likelihood of repeating.* Studies by the state of Washington.  

·   Stiffer Penalties

No probation for child sex offenders
.  A State-to-State cohesive legislation that is available to the public is a nessecity. Example: If you commit a crime against a child in California it should hold the same sentencing as a crime committed in Florida.  

·  Modify and extend the state statute of limitations:

Example: I was molested by my neighbor when I was 12, I am 23 now. The statute of limitations might be 10 years. So because it happened 11 years ago, I have no case. Far too many molestors are walking the streets freely simply because the victim has only a certain amount of time to report the crime.  

·  A nationwide rule dictating just how close a registered sex offender can live near our children.  

Yes, there are registered sex offenders living across the streets from our schools and local parks.

·  Intense background checks need to be done on EVERY person applying  to work with our children.  

This legislation needs to be drafted with zero ambiguity. No one should be able to slip through the cracks. This year alone there were several cases of school employees being sex offenders and the school administration staff just didn’t know. How could this happen? Because there is no national law for background checks on school employees.   

·  National Databank Requirements Modified!!

Legislation drafted requiring previously convicted and released offenders to register in the National Databank as well, because the chances are extremely high that they will DO IT AGAIN.

·   Sex crimes against a child should have NO plea bargain options for the accused.

We need legislation drafted that allows for federally funded counseling for the victims of predatory abuse.  A federally funded, and supported, full scale educational campaign to give parents the tools we desperately need to take back the power and keep OUR kids out of harm's way.

General Admonition to schools, government and parents: No more “taboo” topics, we must face this epidemic head on!!!
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Firma la petizione

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