Demand a Moratorium on New Coal Plants
- da: 1Sky
- destinatario: U.S. Congress
The recent Tennessee and Alabama Coal Sludge Spills were not natural disasters. They were man-made disasters, directly tied to our reliance on fossil fuels. Tennessee's latest disaster is 48 times larger than the Exxon Valdez oil spill.
If you think only Tennessee and Alabama are at risk of coal sludge spills, think again. More than 50 percent of Americans live within 30 miles of a coal-fired power plant.
There is no such thing as a clean cigarette, or clean cancer, and there is no such thing as clean coal. Yet last year alone, the coal industry spent over $45 million trying to convince the American people that the dirtiest fuel on the planet is clean. It's simply not true.
In the face of these tragedies, the coal industry still wants to build more pollution-belching coal plants, and we cannot let that happen. Tell Congress to support a federal moratorium on new coal-fired power plants that contribute to global warming.
The Tennessee Coal Sludge Spill was not a natural disaster. This was a man-made disaster, directly tied to our reliance on fossil fuels.
The disaster is 48 times larger than the
Exxon Valdez oil spill.
There is no such thing as a clean cigarette, or clean cancer, and there is no such thing as clean coal. Yet last year alone, the Coal industry spent over $45 million trying to convince the American people that the dirtiest fuel on the planet is clean. It's simply not true.
In the face of this tragedy, the coal industry still wants to build more pollution-belching coal plants, and we cannot let that happen.
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Congress has the power to stop dirty coal plants from being built. Please support a federal moratorium on new coal-fired power plants that emit global warming pollution.
After we stop new coal plants from being built, we can get to work building the new economy. The stimulus alone has the potential to create over 2 million new green jobs.
Thank you for your time.
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