This Company Says They Have to Test on Animals to Sell Their Products in China. But That's Not Necessarily True.

  • da: Care2 Team
  • destinatario: François Nars CEO of NARS Cosmetics

China is the world's second-largest economy. They know they are the crown jewel for many businesses since breaking into their market can mean millions, or even billions, of dollars of extra revenue. Thus, the country has used their market size as a way to coerce companies into doing things they wouldn't normally do in order to get permission to enter their market. From sharing company secrets to giving the government backdoors to their users' accounts, companies have been willing to make concessions for a slice of the enormous pie. 

One company which did just that was NARS. Until 2017, the legendary French makeup and skincare brand had been committed to creating cruelty-free makeup. But when they had the chance to hop over the Great Wall, their executives decided that their morals took a backseat to the company's bottom line.

Chinese law requires brands to test their products on animals to sell them. NARS said "OK".

When they announced via Instagram, many of their customers expressed disbelief and anger. After all, this was a company that believed: "The global elimination of animal testing needs to happen" and that "product and ingredient safety can be proven by non-animal methods."

But now it seems that NARS no longer has an excuse to continue testing on animals for the Chinese market. Bulldog, a London-based men's skincare line which prides itself on being cruelty-free has found a way to have their cake and eat it too. The company is set to be the first international skincare brand to keep their cruelty free status while breaking into the Chinese market.

Bulldog Skincare will be audited by an international organization that monitors companies for their animal testing practices and will lose their cruelty-free status if they ever test on animals during their production process to meet Chinese standards. However; both the international organization and Bulldog said they have found a way to sell in China without hurting animals.

Bulldog should show formerly cruelty-free companies like NARS that it is possible to sell in China and maintain your values.

It's time NARS does what's right and follow in the footsteps of Bulldog Skincare. Sign the petition and tell NARS to stop testing on animals now.

Aggiorna #15 anni fa
Breaking News! The giant in beauty cosmetics, Avon, has become the first global beauty company to sell in China without testing on animals for their cosmetics. What is NARS’s excuse now? Share to keep the pressure on them.
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