The Global Hunger Crisis Requires Canada's Leadership

  • da: Save The Children Canada
  • destinatario: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland, Minister of International Development Harjit Sajjan, Canada

A global hunger crisis of unprecedented scale is putting countless lives at risk, including millions of children.

The combined impacts of climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic and the continued conflict in Ukraine mean that food shortages and crop failures are on the rise, and prices on basic staples are skyrocketing. As many as 181 million people are expected to be at crisis levels of hunger or worse by the end of 2022.

Time is of the essence. We need to act now. And decisively. Urge leadership to save the lives of innocent children today and safeguard their future from the ravages of malnutrition.

Dear [Decisionmakers]:

The world is facing the worst global hunger and malnutrition crisis in a generation with 181 million people expected to be at crisis or worse levels of hunger in 2022. People in 81 countries are experiencing hunger. In three of the worst-hit countries – Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia – one person is dying from hunger every 48 seconds. Urgent action is needed now to avert catastrophe and save lives.

The economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, such as closed markets and disrupted livelihoods, have left every country with increased poverty and inequality. Combined with the impacts of climate change and ongoing conflicts in many parts of the world, hunger increased globally by almost 20% in 2021, threatening to reverse decades of progress.

I urge you to:

  • Champion urgent action globally at the G7 Leader's Summit on June 26-28.

  • Increase funding to avert famine and save lives and livelihoods.

  • We urge Canada to pledge at least $600 million in new funding to do its fair share in responding to the crisis and prevent millions of people from suffering.

  • Increase funding for anticipatory action to support resilience in at-risk communities and prevent crises from escalating. This should include support for local organizations, including women-led organizations, and investments in social protection to mitigate the impact of future crises.

I support leadership from Canada to address the most urgent needs of people suffering from hunger and also put in place measures to ensure we don't have a crisis like this ever again.
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